Recommended Books to Enhance Marriages and Relationships

Boundaries in Marriage by Cloud and Townsend:  Discusses how respecting a spouse's personal "territory" actually strengthens a relationship as well as how to safeguard marriage from intruders such as idols, affairs, and well-meaning parents.

A Celebration of Sex by Dr. Douglas E. Rosenau: Reclaim the Bible-based concept of marriage as a satisfying one-flesh relationship. A helpful guide to marital intimacy for Christian couples. Trained in psychology and theology, Rosenau answers specific questions and presents detailed techniques for deepening intimate companionship.

A Celebration of Sex After 50 by Dr. Douglas E. Rosenau:  Explores how to make the most of what many experts consider the prime time of life. Though bodies change and desires may fluctuate, couples can ignite passion in many creative and mutually satisfying ways. Plain-spoken and compassionate, the book confronts issues many couples hesitate to bring up - and offers frank, detailed answers.

Different by Design by H. Dale Burke:  Looks at the different ways men and women think, feel, process information, love and receive love with the goal to help couples build healthier, stronger relationships by making the most of the things the sexes hold least in common and applauding those points of greatest difference.

Fit to be Tied by Bill and Lynne Hybels:  Great for couples considering marriage and married couples. Using personal examples, the Hybels encourage singles to make courtship time count by evaluating the compatibility of potential mates, analyzing their differences, and mastering conflict-resolution skills. Also includes chapters on childrearing, family life and reviving a faded romance.

The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman:  Reveals how people communicate love in different ways, and shares the wonderful things that happen when men and women learn to speak each other's language.

His Needs, Her Needs by Williard F. Harley:  Discusses the intimate emotional needs of husbands and wives to help  "affair-proof" your marriage. Learn how to sustain romance, love more creatively and sensitively, deepen your awareness of each other and overcome marital conflicts.

Intimate Allies by Allender and Longman:  Honestly and sensitively probes the state of marriage today. Combining their expertise in biblical studies and counseling, Allender and Longman address five key questions in the marriage relationship through exploring real life examples, what the Creation story says God's design for marriage, examining other biblical passages and integrating biblical principles into your marriage through discussion questions.

Love & Respect by Emerson Eggerichs:  Based on the biblical passage from Ephesians 5:33. Looks at how communication between a husband and wife is often frustrated because of the vastly different ways in which men and women perceive love. Women are wired to need unconditional love and men need to feel unconditionally respected.

The Marriage Builder by Larry Crabb:  Cuts to the heart of the biblical view of marriage: the "one-flesh" relationship. The deepest needs of human personality--security and significance--ultimately cannot be satisfied by a marriage partner, but by God alone. When each spouse looks to God to supply these needs, they are able to more effectively meet each other's emotional and physical needs. Also identifies three building blocks essential to constructing marriage: the grace of God, true marriage commitment, and acceptance of one's mate.

Relationships by Les and Leslie Parrott:  Looks at contemporary findings and the latest relationship-building strategies to help people get in touch with their isolation and loneliness and develop relationships that offer belonging, acceptance, vulnerability, honesty, closeness, and commitment.

Sacred Marriage by Gary Thomas:  Discusses how marriage works to develop Christlike character - forgiveness, love, respect, perseverance - in each spouse.

Strengthening Your Marriage by Wayne A. Mack:  A biblically-based approach to marriage offering practical insights on marital roles, child-rearing, finances and more. Can be used as a study guide for husbands and wives or by pastors as a counseling tool.

Trading Places by Les and Leslie Parrott:  Sharing a 3-step process designed to build empathy, the authors offer personal anecdotes and insightful advice to help spouses become better friends, reduce critical comments, eliminate nagging, short-circuit conflict, give and receive grace, and more.